Environmental Impact Policy


We are committed to minimising the impact of our activities on the environment.

This statement covers activities at our premises and events. The key points of its strategy to achieve this are:


  • Integrate environmental concerns into all planning and design decisions and maintenance and management of properties
  • Continually seek to measure and improve environmental performance

Training and awareness

  • Raise staff and volunteer awareness of environmental issues and promote individual good practice through briefings and the presence of Environmental Champions.


  • Require suppliers to provide goods and services with the minimum adverse environmental impact
  • Ensure that goods and materials purchased comply fully with UK government and EU legislation and recognised environmental best practice

Utilities and natural resources

  • Make efficient and environmentally responsible use of energy, water, and other natural resources


  • Minimise waste by ensuring all operations are as efficient as possible
  • Actively promote re-use and recycling, both internally and with suppliers


  • The use of cars for single occupant journeys is discouraged; staff will be encouraged to use public transport, cycle, and walk to work
  • This will be supported through the provision of season ticket and bike loans to all staff
  • Air travel will be used only where there is no alternative viable option


  • We will aim to meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the UK


  • All staff and volunteers will be expected to take measures to minimise environment impact through simple measures
  • Managers and heads of department will ensure that environmental issues are integrated into the planning and decision-making process


  • Communicate environmental performance both within the organisation and to the external community through the Accountability Review

These commitments will be demonstrated through the introduction of suitable policies, practices, and programmes. Environmental performance will be reported in our annual Accountability Review.

Our Health, Safety and Environmental Committee will monitor environmental impact and review this policy statement annually.

Name and Title: Harry Bendix-Lewis - Director.