Our thoughts and musings

Our thoughts and musings

Best Practices for Fostering Collaboration with the Open-Source Community in 2024

Best Practices for Fostering Collaboration with the Open-Source Community in 2024

This post delves into effective practices for engaging with and contributing to the open-source community, enhancing both your projects and the broader ecosystem.

Harry Bendix-Lewis

Harry Bendix-Lewis

Best Practices for Managing the Security Risks Associated with Open-Source Software in 2024

Best Practices for Managing the Security Risks Associated with Open-Source Software in 2024

Open-source software (OSS) is a critical component of modern software development. However, it also introduces security risks. This blog post explores best practices for managing the security risks associated with OSS.

Harry Bendix-Lewis

Harry Bendix-Lewis

Best Practices for Adopting Open-Source Software in 2024

Best Practices for Adopting Open-Source Software in 2024

In this article, we will discuss the best practices for adopting open-source software, including the internal considerations organisations must make, the metrics by which to judge the quality of OSS components, the approval process, and the licensing of OSS components.

Harry Bendix-Lewis

Harry Bendix-Lewis

How to optimise a Next.js site in 2023

How to optimise a Next.js site in 2023

An in-depth guide on how you can optimise the performance of your Next.js website.

Reece Charsville

Reece Charsville

Web app vs mobile app: Which should I use?

Web app vs mobile app: Which should I use?

What to consider when deciding between a web app or a mobile app for your project.

Reece Charsville

Reece Charsville

Forward Digital is now on the communications marketplace!

Forward Digital is now on the communications marketplace!

On the back of successful projects with HP and the World Gold Council, we are now working with public sectors across the UK.

Harry Bendix-Lewis

Harry Bendix-Lewis

Using an S3 object storage provider in Node.js

Using an S3 object storage provider in Node.js

How to implement an S3 object storage into your Nodejs projects with AWS, Vultr or Digital Ocean.

Reece Charsville

Reece Charsville

Implementing Sign in with Apple with a managed Expo workflow and a Nest.js backend

Implementing Sign in with Apple with a managed Expo workflow and a Nest.js backend

Enable ease of access for your Expo app by allowing users to use their Apple ids as a login method.

Harry Bendix-Lewis

Harry Bendix-Lewis

Applying Domain-Driven Design principles to a Nest.js project

Applying Domain-Driven Design principles to a Nest.js project

By applying domain-driven design principles to a Nest.js project we can ensure our code base is scalable, maintainable and easy to understand.

Harry Bendix-Lewis

Harry Bendix-Lewis

Creating a framework-agnostic API module in TypeScript

Creating a framework-agnostic API module in TypeScript

Mimicking the powerful HttpClient from Angular. The final product is a type-safe and generic API module for any project using TypeScript.

Harry Bendix-Lewis

Harry Bendix-Lewis

When to use TailwindCSS over CSS

When to use TailwindCSS over CSS

An in-depth look at the use cases for Tailwind CSS over CSS

Harry Bendix-Lewis

Harry Bendix-Lewis