Health and Safety Policy
20/01/2025Part 1: Statement of Intent
Forward Digital is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for our employees, whether working remotely or in our Sheffield office space. As a software development company, we recognize our responsibility to manage both traditional and digital workplace safety concerns.
This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and visitors to our premises or those working remotely on behalf of Forward Digital.
Our health and safety policy is to:
- Provide and maintain safe working conditions, equipment, and systems of work
- Ensure the safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage, and transport of articles and substances
- Provide information, instruction, training, and supervision as necessary
- Maintain safe access to and egress from the workplace
- Provide and maintain a healthy working environment with adequate welfare facilities
- Support the mental and physical wellbeing of our remote workforce
Part 2: Responsibilities for Health and Safety
Overall and final responsibility for health and safety: Harry Bendix-Lewis (Director)
Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice: Harry Bendix-Lewis (Director)
- All employees must:
- Take reasonable care of their own health and safety
- Consider the safety of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions
- Work in accordance with safety procedures
- Report all health and safety concerns to the Director
- Maintain a safe and ergonomic workspace, whether at home or in the office
- Comply with all safety regulations within the shared office space
Part 3: Arrangements for Health and Safety
Risk Assessment
- Annual workplace risk assessments will be conducted for the office space
- Remote workers will be provided with guidance for home office risk assessment
- Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessments will be conducted for all workstations
- Mental health and wellbeing risks will be regularly assessed
Remote Working
- Guidelines provided for setting up an ergonomic home office
- Regular check-ins to ensure remote working conditions remain suitable
- Support provided for necessary home office equipment
- Clear communication channels maintained for reporting health and safety concerns
Office Safety
Fire Safety
- Fire Alarm Test: Every Friday between 9:00 and 11:00
- Emergency evacuation: Required if alarm sounds at any other time
- Assembly Point: Loading bay entrance to the rear of the building
- Fire Drills: Conducted twice yearly with advance notice
First Aid
- First aid kits located at:
- Reception desk
- First and second floor kitchen cupboards
- Accident book located at reception desk
- Emergency Contact: 0113 433 4324 (out of hours emergencies only)
Training and Communication
- Health and safety updates provided during regular team meetings
- Annual review of health and safety procedures
- Specific training provided as needed
- Remote working best practices shared regularly
Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Regular one-to-one check-ins
- Promotion of work-life balance
- Clear communication channels for raising concerns
- Support for flexible working arrangements
Equipment and Workstations
- Regular assessment of equipment needs
- Provision of necessary equipment for safe working
- Guidelines for proper use of display screen equipment
- Support for ergonomic workspace setup
Review and Updates
This policy will be reviewed annually or sooner if:
- Workplace changes occur
- New equipment or technology is introduced
- Incidents or accidents occur
- Changes in legislation require it
Related Policies
This policy should be read in conjunction with:
- Data Protection Policy
- GDPR Policy
- Workplace Alcohol and Drugs Policy
- Leave Policy
- Quality Assurance Policy
Document Version: 1.0 Last Updated: 20/01/2024 Next Review: 20/01/2025